This is a design plan for your room. General ideas and suggestions. You have a wonderful house to work with.
There are several ways for you to arrange your room and if you haven't already tried them you should. For example in your moms living room there was really only one way to arrange the room. The TV had to go on one wall and there was only one wall for the sofa. Your room offers several options which is great. Down this post you will find 3 different floor plans for the room.
I have also included included lots of photos of furniture and rooms. There may a certain element or style you like that you might not have considered before. What I really want you to pay attention to is how all these rooms have different styles and eras of furniture in the same space.
We are never really 'there.' We never finish designing a room, a house and say, 'that is it!' Sometime you will go on a trip and buy a trinket as a memento that can change a room, our tastes change, we grow, we age. There is amazing design to be learned and seen out there. Keep an open mind and stretch a little. You are young and your tastes will change. Years ago people would furnish a room and that was it forever. My mother-in-law is 90 and her living room looks exactly the same as it did 50 years ago. I am not kidding. But today we have so much more to choose from and many places to find the perfect thing. Some of my favorite things I found at flea markets and yard and estate sales.
These ideas are all just options for you to consider. Your room should evolve and you should buy only things you love. Don't feel you are on a time schedule. Furnishing a room should be fun and enjoyable.
Unless you are doing a strictly period room ( all furniture from a certain era) which you are not, be aware that just as in clothing, styles in home decor change as well. There are pieces in decor that are staples, that look fabulous forever and some that scream out "1970"s!" I'm not sure but I don't think anything good came from the 70's (except my son of course). Try not to buy trendy furniture. If you like a trend just buy accessories not large pieces. Remember the pine furniture trend years ago? Huge armories and hideous massive legged pine tables and beds. It's all over Craigslist and you can't give it away. Buy neutral color sofas for example and you can always mix any color with it. If you stick with transitional design you will always be able to re-clyle the furniture into other rooms and homes. Transitional is what most people have in their home whether they realize it or not. It is mixing styles. It is trickier then doing a room in one style but much more interesting. A few pieces of contemporary furniture in a room makes it pop and look more up to date then say a whole room of colonial style, etc. If you read home decor magazines you will see most designers mix modern, antique, vintage, etc. and it looks wonderful.
Remember that once you have the bones of your room in place it's the accessories and art work etc. that make the room pop and look fabulous. It's like a beautiful dress is nice but without the finishing touches of just the right shoes and jewelry it's just a pretty dress. The same is true for your room. Even if you leave it exactly the way it is now and you add plants, pillows, lighting and great accessories the room will come alive.
This plan is just a starting point for you. Some things you won't like and hopefully some you will. It will help you to formulate a starting plan. Often times you may be looking for a rug and you'll run across a clock or painting that you fall in love with. Go for it! You'll find the rug but if you don't buy the painting or clock they will haunt you forever especially if you find a vintage item. You can always re-cyle your things. Sell them- craigslist is great for getting rid of mistakes and for buying treasures. Kristen has sold so many things on craigslist. She has also bought some amazing pieces that were such a good deal. You will make mistakes. Everyone does. No big deal. Sell it. Use it in another room. At one point my garage had 18 chairs that Kristen bought at estate sales etc. Of course my garage is the repository for my families furniture and treasures but I don't mind because I have stuff too I can't part with yet and that is my obsession. Some men can't stand using the garage as storage. Mine didn't care. Long Beach has a great flea market once a month and Kris and I have both found un-believable things there. Of course the ultimate is the Rose Bowl Flea market. You will always find something incredible at the Rose Bowl.
As far as accessories go it is hard to tell you specifically what to get but what I have done for clients before is find the items myself and bring them over and place them in the room. Then you can decide what you want to keep and I can return the things you don't want. I did that for your mom and it worked out well for her. If you want to do it yourself just study these pictures and see what appeals to you. When you buy pieces make sure you can return them if they aren't the right color, shape, size, etc. Of course with vintage or yard sales you can't do that but if the price is right take a chance.
For your bathroom window I would use a rattan/natural fiber type roll up shade. They have some great one at or even Home Depot. If you go to Home Depot take a picture of your window with you and the measurements and they will help you order the right size.
Have fun and call or email me with any questions.
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